cara membuat Ultima Weapon di Kingdom Heart 2

Hai , kembali lagi di Atlantic soft
maaf sebelumnya lama gk posting karena banyak kesibukan pribadi.

Kali ini saya akan posting tentang cara membuat Ultima Weapon , berikut caranya

Ultima Weapon 
Cara mendapatkan: Di moogle shop synthesis, dibutuhkan Ultima Recipe dan semua item yang diperlukan 

ini material" yg dibutuhkan untuk membuat Ultima Weapon: 

7 orichalum+: 
1. clear atlantica 
2. clear 100 acre woods 
3. the smal chest in the world that never was in the brink of despare 
beside the big chest. 
4.clear Goddess Of Fate Cup in olympus colisium. 
5.chest in twiligh town in sunset terrace jump on to the moving train 
then go up one of the buildings. search it until you find it. 
6. chest in space paranoid(the second visit there) just before you fight 
commander sark and the MCP. 
7. collect all materials including all materials. You need every 
meaterial in the game(shard,stones,gems,and crystals.

Mudah nya , pakai cheat aja di Armax . sekian!

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